Gaia calculator for White Dwarfs

Starting from a list of Gaia EDR3 references, this tool will add 2 columns to your CSV file :
Expected performances :
30000 items/second
Maximum uploading file size :
1000000 lines
- mass of the star
- temperature Teff

Character separating fields
inside your CSV file

Character separating the decimal
part of floating numbers

Check here if your file includes
a header line with column names

Name of column (if header)
or rank of column (zero-based)
Name of column (if header)
or rank of column (zero-based)
Name of column (if header)
or rank of column (zero-based) or uncheck to compute both DA/DB

or you can get the complete story at once :
This is a bigfile : 300 MBytes

download the 10 millions white dwarfs known from Gaia EDR3 with their mass and temperature :)

oh yeah, I want this one
Download your gaiacalc

app for MacOS
exe for Windows
python pip3 package
linux debian package
code source github